Art Garfunkel famously keeps track of the books he has read since 1968. As of writing this, the count is 1327 (he does not add a review). I thought I could do something similar but I am adding short reviews of books as I read them, and I rake my brain over what I read over the last decades. This is, evidently, a work-in-progress: there are 584 reviews so far. Titles marked with a * are particular favorites.

Jens Smærup Sørensen: Mærkedage *

The author has been a constant in modern Danish literature for decades and he is still very relevant. At the beginning of his career, he did some experimenting with genres, but has settled into being a magnificent chronicler of Danish history and landscape, seen from a position in the hinterlands, and capable of creating coherent, sweeping vistas that run through several generations of characters.