Art Garfunkel famously keeps track of the books he has read since 1968. As of writing this, the count is 1327 (he does not add a review). I thought I could do something similar but I am adding short reviews of books as I read them, and I rake my brain over what I read over the last decades. This is, evidently, a work-in-progress: there are 584 reviews so far. Titles marked with a * are particular favorites.

J. P. Jacobsen: Fru Marie Grubbe

J. P. wrote a seminal Bildungsroman with his ‘Niels Lyhne’. Here, you could claim he created a feminist book with one of the first strong female characters in Danish literature. And Marie also goes through a sort of journey, although it is all downhill. Or is it? Does she save her soul, doing what she does? The jury is still out.